In past articles I have discussed a wide range of topics dealing with competencies, professional skills and strategies for marketing yourself to find your perfect job.
Early interaction with technology, more information about job opportunities and support from parents and role models are among the actions that will encourage more girls to consider tech as a career option, according to CompTIA.
During the course of my executive recruitment work, I have had the opportunity to observe and review a large number of corporate security organizations globally.
This month’s column will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of reporting to the Chief Administrative Officer (CAO), one of the reporting structures that appears to be gaining significant ground across industry sectors.
There's a talent gap growing in the cybersecurity and security leadership fields. Could an increased campaign for stronger science, technology, engineering and math education help to close it?
This installment of Career Intelligence evaluates how you can best utilize the rapidly expanding social media communities to aid you in your online presence and branding.