- Arenas / Stadiums / Leagues / Entertainment
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- Education: K-12
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- Government: Federal, State and Local
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Product Details
School security is one of the most pressing public concerns today. Yet in most schools, there is little security expertise or detailed knowledge about how to implement and manage a security program. The Handbook for School Safety and Security rectifies this problem by providing the salient information school administrators and security professionals need to address the most important security issues schools face.
Made up of contributions from leading experts in school security, The Handbook for School Safety and Security provides a wealth of practical information for securing any K-12 school. It discusses key approaches and best practices for school crime prevention, including such topics as crisis management and mass notification. It also covers the physical measure needed for protecting a school, including detailed discussions of access control, lighting, alarms, and locks. View more >
Key Features
- Brings together the collective experience of industry-leading subject matter specialists into one resource.
- Covers all the key areas needed for developing and implementing a school security program.
- Includes a list of 100 things to know when developing a school security program.
School administrators; security professionals; and instructors and students in two- and four-year college security or criminal justice programs.
Table of Contents
- Dedication
- Book Opening Quote
- Foreword
- Preface
- About the Editors and Contributors
- Editors
- Part 1: Approaches and Best Practices for School Crime Prevention
- Chapter 1: Best Practices—A Sixteen-Point Master Plan
- Abstract
- Introduction
- Part A. Administrative Procedures
- Part B. Physical Security (See Part II)
- Chapter 2: Threats and Hazards at Educational Institutions
- Abstract
- Educational Institutions
- Threats and Hazards at Educational Institutions
- Protection for Educational Institutions
- School Districts
- Legislation for School Districts
- Protection for School Districts
- Colleges and Universities
- Safety and Fire Protection at Educational Institutions
- Chapter 3: Security Assessments and Prevention for K-12 Schools
- Abstract
- Introduction
- Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design
- Tragedies
- Conclusion
- Appendix A U.S. Secret Service Threat Assessment Suggestions
- Appendix B School Safety and Security Checklist
- Chapter 4: CPTED Applications for Schools
- Abstract
- Introduction
- Situational Approaches
- Objectives for School Environments
- Crime Environments
- Conclusion
- Chapter 5: An Overview of School Safety and Security
- Abstract
- Introduction
- Core Recommendations for Prevention and Mitigation
- Core Recommendations for Preparedness
- Core Recommendations for Response
- Core Recommendations for Recovery
- Prevention and Mitigation
- Preparedness
- Response
- Recovery
- Chapter 6: Empowerment of Crisis Management in Emergencies
- Abstract
- Introduction
- Case Study: Kennesaw State University
- Talking the Talk Is Fine, but Walking the Walk Is Where the Rubber Meets the Road
- Chapter 7: Prevention and Student Safety for K-12
- Abstract
- Introduction
- Solutions
- Chapter 8: Think Prevention and Think Safety
- Abstract
- Introduction
- Safe Travel
- Top Eight Steps
- Chapter 9: Understanding How to Use the Process Hazard Analysis (PHA) and the Layers of Protection Analysis (LOPA)
- Abstract
- Introduction
- Process Hazard Analysis
- Layers of Protection Analysis
- Using LOPA
- Chapter 10: Mass Notification Requirements for Our Children’s Schools
- Abstract
- Introduction
- Notifying the Masses
- Recent Regulatory Activities
- National Standards
- Compliance and Enforcement
- Mass Notification Role and Its Importance
- Conclusion: Addressing Gaps
- Chapter 11: You Get What You Pay For (Or When Free Is Not Really Free): Commentary and Insight on Free Security Consulting Services for Schools
- Abstract
- The Need to do Something
- Reality—You Get What You Pay For
- Liability
- The Right Way
- Still Considering So-Called Free Services?
- Author’s Recommendations
- Chapter 12: An Access Control Template for K-12 Schools
- Abstract
- Introduction
- Property Perimeter
- Building Perimeter
- Visitor and Vendor Management
- Hallways and Classrooms
- Conclusions
- Chapter 13: “Crime Risk” versus “Feeling Safe” in Schools: True and False Risk Assessment in Schools
- Abstract
- Introduction
- Risk Assessment
- Feeling Safe
- Conclusion
- Chapter 14: Partnering with Local First Responders and Public Safety Officials
- Abstract
- Introduction
- Law Enforcement
- Fire/EMS
- Emergency Management
- Conclusion
- Chapter 15: Emergency Management Procedures
- Abstract
- Americans with Disabilities Act
- Chapter 16: Policy and Procedures for Schools
- Abstract
- Introduction
- Security Manual
- Constructing Policy and Procedures
- Report Writing
- Conclusion
- Chapter 1: Best Practices—A Sixteen-Point Master Plan
- Part 2: Approaches to Physical Security
- Chapter 17: An Overview of Physical Security Technology for Schools: What Security Technologies to Consider for Schools—Finding a Direction
- Abstract
- Introduction
- Overarching Concerns and Considerations
- Physical Security Technologies
- Summary
- Chapter 18: Hardware Function Choices and Lockdown Procedures: K-12 and University Classrooms
- Abstract
- Introduction
- Theoretical Discussion on Classroom Intruder Function: Keying Options
- Points to Consider on Hardware/Function
- School Security Door Hardware Upgrade Project
- Conclusion
- Appendix A Sample Employee Key Request Form and Sign-Out Sheet
- Appendix B Glossary of Terms and Definitions
- Chapter 19: Security Lighting for Schools
- Abstract
- Introduction
- Cost and ROI
- Illumination2
- Types of Lamps3
- Lighting Equipment
- Twenty-Five Things You Need to Know About Lighting for Your School4
- Energy Management
- Lighting Checklist
- Protective Lighting Checklist
- Lighting Levels for Your School Complex
- Lighting Definitions
- Lighting Systems
- Web Sites
- Appendix Lighting Description
- Chapter 20: Intrusion Detection Systems for Schools
- Abstract
- Introduction
- Threat or Risk
- Components of Alarm Systems
- Perimeter Protection
- Area/Space Protection
- False Alarms
- Application
- Object/Spot Detection for Schools
- Alarm Control
- Alarm Transmission/Signaling
- Alarms Deter Crime
- False Alarms in Your School
- Alarm Equipment Overhaul
- Additional Resources
- Conclusion
- Appendix A Glossary for Alarm Systems1
- Appendix B Smoke Detectors
- Appendix C Alarm Certificate Services Glossary of Terms Certificate Types2
- Appendix D Fire Classifications
- Chapter 21: Video Technology Overview for Schools
- Abstract
- Overview
- The Video System
- The Camera Function
- Scene Illumination
- Scene Characteristics
- Lenses
- Cameras
- Transmission
- Switchers
- Quads and Multiplexers
- Monitors
- Recorders
- Hard-Copy Video Printers
- Ancillary Equipment
- Summary
- Appendix Glossary of Terms
- Chapter 22: Access Control, Access Badges, and Biometrics Characteristics for Schools
- Abstract
- Introduction
- Access Control
- Designated Restricted Areas
- Degree of Security for Your School
- Considerations
- Perimeter Access Control
- Employee Screening
- Identification System
- ID Methods
- Mechanized/Automated Systems
- Card/Badge Specifications
- Visitor Identification and Lobby Control in Your School
- Enforcement Measures
- Duress code
- Access-control rosters
- Methods of control
- Security controls of packages, personal property, and vehicles
- Building design
- Layered levels of security
- Access cards
- Badges
- Biometrics characteristics1
- Chapter 23: Fire Alarm Systems for Schools
- Abstract
- Introduction
- Fire Codes
- NFPA 72
- Voice Systems or ECSs
- Chapter 17: An Overview of Physical Security Technology for Schools: What Security Technologies to Consider for Schools—Finding a Direction
- Part 3: Approaches to Operational Issues, Specific Threats, and Solutions
- Chapter 24: A Look at School Security in Australia
- Abstract
- Introduction
- Reduce Overall Crime
- Conclusion
- Chapter 25: Prevention of Crime in and Around High Schools: Lessons in Implementation and Dissemination
- Abstract
- The Safe and Secure Schools (3S) Matrix: How Mature Is a Safety and Security Policy?
- Conclusion
- Chapter 26: Operational Issues, Specific Threats, and Solutions
- Abstract
- Active Shooter
- A.L.I.C.E. (Alert-Lockdown-Inform-Counter-Evacuate) Training
- Background Investigations and Background Checks
- Bullet-Resistant Doors, Windows, and Whiteboards (see Section “Glass and Windows” for Additional Information on this Topic)
- Bullying
- Chemical Labs
- Community Policing and Schools: Components and Benefits
- Computer Labs, Music Rooms, the Library, and the Gymnasium
- Clery Act Compliance—K-12
- Cyber Bullying
- Cyber Crime Security
- Driving Safety on and Around School Property
- Fear of Crime
- Fire Alarms and Building Evacuation
- Fires and Fire Extinguishers12
- Gay, Lesbian, and Transgender Issues
- Glass and Windows13
- Global Harmonization Systems (MSDS and HazCom)
- Guns Versus No Guns in Schools
- Identity Theft
- Latch-Key Kids
- Liability
- Lighting
- Mentally Ill and Challenged (Active Shooters)
- Metal Detectors
- Noninstructional Areas
- Physical Security
- Policies, Procedures, Guidelines, and Standards
- Restrooms and Locker Rooms
- Risk and Protective Factor Assessments
- School Bus Drivers
- School Lockdowns
- School Partnerships
- School Security Officers27
- School Uniforms
- School Watch Programs
- Security—How Much is Enough?
- Situational Crime Prevention Using CPTED Concepts28
- Student Lockers
- Tailgating (Through Access Control)
- Training
- Vandalism and Graffiti30
- Video Surveillance Systems—Six Secrets
- Websites with Additional Information for School Safety and Security
- Working with Architects
- Zero Tolerance Versus Guidelines for Criminal Behavior
- Chapter 27: 100 Things You Need to Know About School Security
- Abstract
- Introduction
- Chapter 24: A Look at School Security in Australia
- Appendix: ASIS International’s List of School Security Websites Associations, Organizations, Publications1
- Websites
- Associations and Organizations
- Publications
- Additional Resources
- Index
- No. of pages:
- 420
- Published:
- 12th August 2014
- Paperback ISBN:
- 9780128005682