Though many healthcare organizations still consider it optional, two-factor authentication - also known as Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) - is an indispensable part of a secure environment, and key to protecting your medical data.
As increasingly sophisticated cyberattacks continue to target healthcare’s essential systems - including networks, IoT medical instruments, and mobile devices - the need for advanced security protections continues to grow. Healthcare leaders are beginning to embrace the truth: cybersecurity is now an indispensable part of patient care.
Yet even as this move toward secure connected technologies expands, a favorite target of malicious actors continues to be the healthcare organization’s website - especially if the site is powered by WordPress.
In fact, HIPAA penalties do distinguish degrees of “not knowing,” yet that doesn’t mean - like the traffic violation above - that a hefty fine still won’t land in your lap. Can your company deal with even a $50,000 (per violation) hit to the pocket book? Here’s the breakdown of potential penalties per OCR (Office of Civil Rights) discretion, as noted in the HIPAA Journal.