Stephen Trout writes for HIPAA Vault, a provider of HIPAA compliant solutions, enabling healthcare providers, business organizations, and government agencies to secure their protected health information from data breaches, threats, and security vulnerabilities.
Though many healthcare organizations still consider it optional, two-factor authentication - also known as Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) - is an indispensable part of a secure environment, and key to protecting your medical data.
As increasingly sophisticated cyberattacks continue to target healthcare’s essential systems - including networks, IoT medical instruments, and mobile devices - the need for advanced security protections continues to grow. Healthcare leaders are beginning to embrace the truth: cybersecurity is now an indispensable part of patient care.
Yet even as this move toward secure connected technologies expands, a favorite target of malicious actors continues to be the healthcare organization’s website - especially if the site is powered by WordPress.
In fact, HIPAA penalties do distinguish degrees of “not knowing,” yet that doesn’t mean - like the traffic violation above - that a hefty fine still won’t land in your lap. Can your company deal with even a $50,000 (per violation) hit to the pocket book? Here’s the breakdown of potential penalties per OCR (Office of Civil Rights) discretion, as noted in the HIPAA Journal.