Steve Hunt is founder of the Chicago-based research firm, 4A
International, Contact him at or visit his blog,
SecurityDreamer is growing up fast. Since
lauching Security-
Dreamer in November 2006, readership has
steadily grown. According to Hunt, he has recently added a daily email with
recent updates. The site will soon feature more IT and IT security content --
especially information that relates to collaboration and communication across the
lines of physical and homeland security with IT.
SecurityDreamer will host forums, or
discussion boards, for topics like intelligent video, PSIM, security management
best practices, endpoint security, FIPS 201 and needed technology
standards. Watch for a Wiki, too. We are even going to list more than a hundred
vendors and invite your comments on each.
Have you read some of the press and marketing campaigns coming from vendors (manufacturers) lately? It’s like they live on another planet. I sometimes think there is an alternate reality
Did it ever dawn on you that the basic principles of security mimic society? This thought struck me recently during a visit to New Zealand. I was fortunate to be
Twitter is Collaboration SoftwareMeanwhile, your blackberry, phone and laptop have all become tools you use to do security better. That’s what I mean. Things like browsers and search engines
Business and security executives want innovative solutions to help them be more competitive, to meet policy and regulatory requirements more efficiently, and to mitigate risk more effectively by promoting collaboration
Is ObjectVideo destined to be yesterday’s news in light of innovative competitors like ioimage, Mate and Vigilant? Maybe, but ObjectVideo still has a lot of fight left in it. Consider
I was surprised. Well, surprised, then excited and then discouraged. I discovered yet another area of security that I knew nothing about. It started a couple months ago when
At the ISC West Show this month, and at boutique shows like Secure World Expo, you will see many exciting, innovative technologies. But none with as much potential to