Security talks to Jann Yogman, who has written and produced comedy for Michael J. Fox, Dana Carvey and Conan O'Brien during his career. Yogman brought his comedy skills to Mimecast to help out with cybersecurity awareness training, structuring the program like seasons of a situation comedy, with actual comedic actors playing repeating characters.
Insurance providers have had to take on increased risk with ransomware attacks on the rise, thus the surging price of insurance premiums. What are some trends fueling the cyber insurance industry?
Dean Alexander and Caden Buettner explore issues related to those who oppose COVID-19 vaccination, spurring fringe science and its believers to conduct threats or undertake violence.
Just as you wouldn’t recommend going to a basement during a fire nor running outside during a tornado, it is crucial to outline safety plans according to cyber disasters. Organizations can do this by implementing a business cybersecurity plan.
The Behavioral Health Crisis Support Team (BHCST) pairs public safety officers with mental health clinicians to respond to behavioral health crises on Johns Hopkins University's Homewood campus.
"You can't expect to have the best and brightest if you're only recruiting from 50% of the population. You have to recruit from 100% of the population and if you don't, you're not going to get the best and brightest," said CyberWarrior COO Jonathan Edwards. The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) awarded CyberWarrior a grant to develop cyber workforce training for underserved populations.
It’s vital for C-suites to include cybersecurity as part of their capital planning. And the key to that is determining what “just enough security” is for the organization to meet its business goals. What’s the best way to determine how much security is “just enough”?
Where does the responsibility for code vulnerabilities lie, and how can cybersecurity leaders address these vulnerabilities? Find tools for determining the security of code and mitigating cyber risk in your organization.
By keeping a pulse on evolving threats and monitoring the entire environment, security leaders can mitigate their institutions’ cyber risk and keep networks, data and users secure.
Organizations need to maintain balance in their security approach. The most secure organizations have support from senior leadership and follow these seven steps to protect their assets and collaborate as a team.