As a leader, think carefully about the best and most effective strategies to ensure personal routines and actions convey the right message to your teams.
OT security and Industrial Control System Security (ICS), while improving, has not kept up with their evolving ecosystem, leaving systems exposed —
as seen by attacks on critical infrastructure.
Cybersecurity training, two-factor authentication, updating communication strategies and developing an attack strategy can help healthcare organizations bolster their cybersecurity strategy.
Most security breaches aren’t a consequence of inadequate security controls but are a direct result of human failure. So why do humans make mistakes? What triggers our behavior, and why are we so susceptible to manipulation? Understanding these triggers will greatly help organizations change their approach to information security.
Enterprises globally must harden existing firewall configurations; this is a non-negotiable activity. Over time firewall configurations experience a “drift” between what the business requires and what’s become obsolete.
Instead of focusing on preventing breaches, cybersecurity professionals should focus on improving security hygiene and resilience. More important than building up walls, organizations should prioritize minimizing costs, downtime and disruption in the case of an eventual cyberattack.
The Texas Department of Public Safety has provided three resources to school communities to prevent potential violence, including tip reporting software called iWatchTexas, an alert system and school safety education.
The Security Executive Council (SEC) will award scholarships of up to $7,500 to students who exemplify security leadership skills and are enrolled in select university partner programs.
For many employees, traveling on business is a small treat and overall perk. Nothing beats sightseeing after a day of meeting with new, potential or old clients in a different locale — especially if it’s in a warmer climate.