Statistics released in the FBI’s Preliminary Semiannual Uniform Crime Report revealed overall declines in the number of violent crimes and property crimes reported for the first six months of 2018 when compared with figures for the first six months of 2017.
The 2019 Workplace Safety and PreparednessSurvey from Rave Mobile Safety discusses the latest state of safety in the corporate environment, as well as what communication changes companies have made and what shortcomings still exist from the last year.
Last week President Donald Trump called on European countries to take 800 ISIS members that are in U.S. custody in Syria or “we will be forced to release them.”
Under NH Project FIRST “quick response teams” of first responders will visit an individual at home after an overdose call and offer to connect them with services at their local treatment center.
Tennessee Governor Bill Lee announced a new investment in school safety to better protect teachers and students and prepare against the threat of violence.
Congressman Joe Courtney (CT-02) has introduced legislation to curb rising rates of workplace violence facing health care and social service employees such as nurses, physicians, emergency responders, medical assistants, and social workers.
In its National Strategy for Aviation Security, the Trump administration has called upon the government and private sector to strengthen aviation security from physical and cyber threats.
As many industries adopt IoT solutions for increased security, reduced costs and new opportunities, the buildings industry is looking to do the same by incorporating IoT and mobile functionality into a range of facilities, including around building security systems.
National capabilities for terrorism prevention — options other than traditional law-enforcement action to respond to the risk of individual radicalization to violence — are relatively limited, with most relying on local or non-government efforts and only a subset receiving federal support, according to a report from the Homeland Security Operational Analysis Center (HSOAC).