Economic downturns typically result in an influx of foreclosed, vacant, idle, and even completely abandoned properties. This affects a range of business sectors—including habitation and office facilities, factories, schools, hospitals and retail.
A city where murder is nearly a daily occurence stands a good shot of being named the most violent, crime-prone area in the country. And last year there were 345 murders reported in the Detroit metropolitan area - altogether 1,111 violent crimes per 100,000 residents. What other cities made the Most Dangerous list?
Our nation's continued budget woes are taking a toll at all levels of government, including local cities and counties that are struggling with higher costs, lower tax revenue collections and sometimes dwindling state and federal aid. The result is a need to look for lower-cost and less-labor-intensive ways to address a range of government security and law enforcement needs. When governments downsize, technology is a tool to help fill the gap.
So what do the Righteous Brothers, grapefruit, Cymbalta, packaged software, toy jewelry, Callaway golf clubs, Prada purses, Cowboys and Aliens and car parts have in common? Everything, when it comes to theft, counterfeiting, terrorism, diversions, health threats and other illegal and unethical practices up and down the supply chain.
Do you think that keys and locks are the oldest man-made security tool? Forget it. Guardhouses go back hundreds, if not thousands of years as a place a person would sit or stand, observe, control access, alert others and take occasional action such as dumping hot oil over the wall. These permanent and temporary structures, built in or brought in, are used in most every country.
After numerous robberies of convenience stores, some tragically ending in the murder of staff or customers, a number of states enacted legislation to encourage store owners to institute security measures.
Based in Marble Falls, American Bank of Texas, N.A. provides banking and other financial services for the Highland Lakes, Austin, San Antonio, Seguin, Fredericksburg and Temple areas. American Bank of Texas N.A. delivers personalized attention to customers across the bank's 16 branches. With total assets more than $747 million, ABT offers the charm of a small town bank with the resources of a large financial institution.
There continues to be discussion over the technologies, procedures and screening professionals at airports. Here are perceptive observations of an executive from the inside.
The recent controversy of the Transportation Security Administration’s (TSA) increased use of passenger pat downs and full body image scanning has re-ignited the rhetoric around privatization of TSA screeners at U.S. airports. This increased scrutiny comes at a time when many travelers, lawmakers, privacy advocates and the general public re already voicing criticism of the TSA’s reliance on screening methods that many characterize as overly aggressive and a violation of privacy.
The shuttle Endeavour launched into space this morning with much fanfare. Behind the scenes, however, securing the shuttle, crew and the entire NASA operation, is not an easy task, yet it's done with much skill and grace under pressure.
Security managers have many responsibilities and concerns. While keeping their buildings safe and secure is certainly one of them, it need not be a complicated matter.