Ken Ferrante, former Hoboken Chief of Police, has been named Public Safety Director of the New Jersey city. He will oversee the Hoboken Police Department, Fire Department, and Office of Emergency Management (OEM).
La Aurora Tobacco Company started as a small business before it grew into the enterprise it is today, employing over 2,000 people in its 11 facilities. The firm aimed to improve security and operations with a video management system (VMS).
Get ready: Security magazine's March 2022 issue is here! Inside, find the 2022 Top Cybersecurity Leaders special report, stories on COVID-19 security lessons learned, NGO and travel risk management, and much more!
United States Secret Service veteran Mike Smith has been named Chief Security Officer (CSO) at Arcfield, a systems engineering and integration firm in the intelligence and defense sector.
The University of Kentucky Police Department uses a video management system from Salient Systems to respond to security events anywhere on its campus, keeping students, faculty and staff safe.
Seasoned campus security leader Craig Stone has been named Associate Vice President and Chief of Campus Safety and Emergency Management Services at Syracuse University.