Gun safety isn’t a new issue in the U.S., of course — it’s a hot-button political issue, to say the least. Regardless, there is no debate that every organization wants to keep its community safe. So, like almost every other aspect of life that has undergone transformational change over the past decade, the main driver of change in the immediate term will be cutting-edge technology.
Security professionals need to protect themselves from attack fatigue, as well as a sense of helplessness. And, despite increased awareness of the need for improved cybersecurity, ransomware continues to plague many organizations. But there are ways to take the upper hand and succeed against this significant risk.
Throughout 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic created something of a new playground for hackers. In response, many institutions fortified cybersecurity systems and fast-tracked digital transformation initiatives. But what does the landscape for cybersecurity and the evolution of threats look like in 2021?
We don’t have a crystal ball, but here are five cybersecurity trends to watch out for in the new year.
By the end of 2020, it is expected that more than 59 zettabytes of data will be generated globally. With access to data from sources such as social media, news and the dark web, encrypted connected security systems, and public and company-proprietary records and communications, physical security and safety professionals are challenged not only with parsing through this “big” data but transforming it into actionable intelligence.
Now more than ever, K-12 leaders are faced with the need to implement security solutions and strategies that adequately protect students, staff and visitors from potential threats. Growing incidents, such as school shootings, unauthorized visitors and disease transmission, can put occupants in harm’s way, making security a persistent need. Schools now have the opportunity to use and expand on existing building technologies to address evolving needs while providing greater protection and peace of mind.
For years, there has been optimistic talk that drones – the popular name for UAVs (unmanned aerial vehicles) – would become ubiquitous and used for security purposes. And now, it’s happening. The drone-industry is becoming an increasingly promising technology-intensive industry, one that will employ far more workers than it does today while enhancing the efficiency and security of a variety of businesses.
Earlier this year, an investigation team hijacked thousands of printers all over the world to show just how vulnerable these devices can be if left unprotected. Too many organizations and individuals do not properly address them when discussing security strategies, physical or cyber, but if left unsecured, these devices can be real vulnerabilities.
According to global risk consultancy Control Risks’ annual forecast of political and security risks to help businesses prepare for the challenges next year will bring, there are a handful of important ongoing threats into this year that all risk managers and security leaders should be aware of.
In the U.S., critical infrastructure consists of sixteen essential sectors that make daily life possible. National critical functions are the functions of government and the private sector so vital to the U.S. that their disruption, corruption, or dysfunction would have a debilitating effect on security, national economic security, national public health or safety. Here, we talk to Brian Harrell about the importance of protecting critical infrastructure, the threats and hazards that pose the greatest risks to critical infrastructure and more.
Competition will put professionals through hyper-realistic attack simulations
January 12, 2021
Cyberbit announced the launch of the International Cyber League (ICL), a first-of-its-kind competition that will determine the world’s best cyber defense team. The League will begin with America’s Cyber Cup, with registration opening today and closing on Monday, February 22. To determine the world’s best team, qualifying teams will face off against simulated cyberattacks in Cyberbit’s hyper-realistic cyber range, crowning the winning team as North America’s best.