In today’s era of mega-breaches with thousands to millions of lost customer records or the hacking-of-everything it is safe to assume that the logical security of devices becomes almost more important than the physical protection around those assets.
Licensing may not be as exciting as a game of high-stakes poker, but how you play your security and access control licensing cards can significantly affect the bottom line.
Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design – better known as CPTED – is a multi-disciplinary approach to preventing crime through the thoughtful design of an environment.
As the trend towards digital video progresses, we are seeing corporations that are not taking full advantage of the possibilities for enhancing their business with visual data.
News headlines are filled with enough stories about compromised data security, potentially driving executives away from networked and cloud solutions and back to the proverbial days of stuffing cash in a mattress.
Thirty percent of all business failures are due to theft and fraud by employees, and it has been estimated 60 percent of employee fraud and theft is committed by managers, owners, and senior executives.
If 2013 was the year for grappling with a slow economy, 2014 will be the year where security technology makes a resurgence, and not just for what it can do in the control room, but in a number of other ways. Here’s my prediction for nine critical physical security trends for 2014.