“I believe our greatest contribution to every student, staff member, parent and community member is the availability of services from our security department.”
November 5, 2013
“We treat everyone, from kindergarten on up, with respect,” says Joseph Perchetti, Supervisor of Security for the Radnor, Penn., Public School District. “They are our customers, and their taxes pay our salaries. We go the extra mile to make sure they are secure and to ensure that they can focus on education.”
Gunplay in a Boston hospital emergency room underscores the challenges healthcare facilities face when serving law enforcement and correctional needs to treat prisoners.
Her name was Sandy, and after a brief visit, the lights were out, thousands homes and businesses were damaged or destroyed and emergency planning programs were put to the test.
This whitepaper from Guardly Safe Campus compares the swiftness of incident response efforts by university campus security between new smartphone applications and existing methods of reporting.
Your job title is Security Director, Director of Corporate Security or Chief Security Officer, yet most likely your role entails more than security. As the economy continues its downward trend, corporations have eliminated new positions, leaving open positions unfilled and combining positions. The person responsible for security is now responsible for much more including fire, life safety and safety. But a security director may not be as familiar with fire safety as they are with security matters.