Understanding and implementing these two best practices will save precious time and successfully lead an organization and communities through a major hurricane.
Riverside County in California's Emergency Management Department received a $2.57 million federal grant to distribute to local entities for disaster preparedness and response training and activities.
Beebe Healthcare system in southern Delaware partnered with the Delaware National Guard and other agencies to simulate two emergency drills as part of its preparedness planning.
John Benson began working for the Iowa Department of Homeland Security and Emergency Management in 1992 and was recently named the department's Interim Director.
After staying on during the transition of the previous Director of Emergency Management for the state of Florida, Kevin Guthrie was asked to assume the permanent role.
The community college has a number of programs apart of the new center including emergency management and disaster preparedness and a degree in cybersecurity.
The University of Missouri will hold a drill today for its Research Reactor on campus that will involve multiple agencies, including Columbia Fire Department, Boone County Office of Emergency Management, MU Police Department, MU Health Care, MU Environmental Health and Safety and MURR staff.
Diane Mack has been named Director of Emergency Management for both the University of Nebraska at Omaha (UNO) and the University of Nebraska Medical Center (UNMC).
Business resilience programs may not generate revenue for organizations, but will most certainly create awareness, change a responsiveness culture into a preparedness culture, cut expenditure, save time and minimize reputational impact – not if, but when improbable circumstances become reality.
Canadian government want residents, businesses and communities to prepare for natural disasters and other emergency events that could affect their region.