In July 2014 alone, 940,000 people in the Professional and Business Services industry left their jobs, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. The question is: How much power and access do those people still have over company data?
Risk management too often is perilously fragmented and insufficiently funded. Managing the overall risk equation is assuredly a CEO-level and management team obligation. But the design and execution of effective strategies to identify and moderate risk is, of necessity, complex and typically spread among numerous organizational silos.
Over the past year, the Infosec Team in Cisco’s Threat Response, Intelligence and Development group launched a Unified Security Metrics (USM) program as a way to make sense of volumes of network data and reduce security risk.
It is easy for hackers to hijack global social media accounts because of the sheer volume of accounts of this type and the large number of people managing them.
When asked specifically about the underlying technologies of a credit or debit card, Americans responded favorably, with 69 percent stating that EMV chip cards are making their debit and credit card transactions more secure, with only five percent feeling chip cards make their transactions less secure.
More than half of Chief Executive Officers will have a senior digital leader role in their staff by the end of 2015. However, the duties of a Digital Risk Officer would be very different than a chief information security officer (CISO).
Supply chain risk management is vital for organizations that rely on extended operations, both internal and external, for their success. It involves the assessment and control of risk events at all points in an end-to-end supply chain, from sources of raw materials to end use by customers and consumers.
Nearly 70 percent of critical infrastructure companies surveyed by Unisys and the Ponemon Institute suffered a security breach in the last year. According to the report, “Despite staggering statistics around the number of security breaches within these sectors, results showed that they gap between security concern and preparedness is overwhelming.”
The key to the risk-based security program is that no matter what issue you examine, every one of them affects the reputation of the enterprise in one manner or another.
Once the risk matrix has been populated, management must then prioritize the risks and determine which are the most critical to the viability, survivability and resilience of the enterprise. When that prioritization has been completed, various functions within the organization can be tasked to design the appropriate solution for the risk involved.
If you asked your employees to define “cybersecurity,” what would they say?
July 1, 2014
By screening a provider for these qualities, you’ll accomplish much more than a manager who simply wants to “check the box” and get it over with. You’ll walk away knowing participants are getting the training that’s right for them, not an endless sea of faceless masses.