Attackers are looking beyond network systems and devices to target organizations via public-facing platforms and SaaS resources. An effective DRP service will identify threats across an organization’s digital footprint, analyze the credibility of these threats and remediate malicious activity on third-party platforms to minimize system and reputational damage.
Until March, there was a consistent narrative about supply chains and technology. Digitization had, gradually, come some way in the world of logistics. Manufacturers, shipping companies, and retailers — and the many other firms with solutions that represent the connective tissue between them — had been steadily integrating hardware and software technologies that leverage the internet (both “of things” and not).
Altice Europe, a leading player in the convergence between telecom and media in France, services 23 million customers through its SFR division—Société française du radiotelephone—providing voice, video, data, internet telecommunications and professional services to consumers and businesses. The business-to-consumer (B2C) IT division of SFR deploys dozens of major projects each year, including web, front-end, and office applications.
Whether you are a small enterprise, a large corporation, or something in between, phishing is one of the most damaging and vicious threats that you have to prepare for. It is so serious that security analysts predict it will be their topmost concern. As per Verizon 2019 DBIR, phishing has emerged as the leading cause of data breaches across companies, and there is a worrying rise in the number of phishing attacks. This is all the more reason for companies to step up their security to identify how to prevent phishing.
With a Private CA (or “Private PKI”) solution, you can brand the certificates for your servers, devices, and users. Since the purpose of this CA is to serve your organization only, it will provide a tighter control when its Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) is used for internal user authentication. For this reason, Private PKI is immensely popular for deployment in enterprise IT, as well as cloud-native DevOps and Internet of Things (IoT) environments.
Risk Based Security released their 2020 Mid Year Data Breach QuickView Report, revealing that although the number of publicly reported data breaches stands at its lowest in five years, the number of records exposed is more than four times higher than any previously reported time period.
Over the past few months, millions of workers have turned their homes into their new, remote office, including state government employees, which brought a host of risks through use of unsecured Wi-Fi and poor access controls. This shift toward home as well as the underlying panic brought on by COVID-19 altered hackers’ focus and targets aimed at the remote worker. Chief Information Security Officers (CISO) preparing their companies for this change require time, training for employees and the right technology, as well as increased cooperation between the security teams and IT/network operations groups.
In her “Top Breaches of 2019”, a security journalist asked if last year would “…be the worst on record?” It looks like 2020 could surpass last year’s breaches, but it’s not entirely due to consequences of the global pandemic. For sure, unprecedented levels of remote working has emboldened hackers to exploit new vulnerabilities, but there’s one very insidious risk that shows up year after year: the silent and unwitting exposure of sensitive data that no one notices… until it’s too late.