The year 2020 has served up some unprecedented challenges for the human race in every aspect, with wireless connectivity more important than ever. Particularly as millions continue to work and learn remotely, our connected world of devices, vehicles, homes and cities is expanding exponentially. According to a report from GSMA and ABI Research, the number of mobile subscriptions worldwide had already reached 8.1 billion by 2017 at an annual growth rate of 5.4 percent. It’s now predicted that by 2025 the number will increase to 9.8 billion, with 3G and 4G representing 51 percent of total subscriptions and 91 percent of the total traffic generated, while 5G subscriptions are expected to exceed 849 million.
Let’s face it, passwords are a pain. As we’ve been pushed towards using longer and ever more complex passwords, and told to update them with increasing frequency, password management has become something of a headache. We’ve gone from simple, easy to remember passwords to 12- or 16-character passwords that must contain a mixture of upper and lowercase letters, numbers and symbols.
According to IDC, by 2025 there will be 41.6 billion Internet of Things (IoT) devices, generating a massive 79 zettabytes (ZB) of data. To put that into perspective, in 2006, IDC estimated that the total amount of electronic data created and stored was a mere 0.18 ZB. This growing amount of data represents a vast and exponentially increasing attack surface, which poses a huge opportunity for cybercriminals and a seemingly insurmountable task for those responsible for protecting and securing it. This task is only made more difficult by the lack of regulation and security measures being built into IoT devices at present. As IoT looks to become a foundational aspect of our everyday lives, it’s vital we, as consumers, understand the threats posed to our devices and the data they store.
The US Government Accountability Office (GAO) reviewed how 3 agencies—the Federal Aviation Administration, Indian Health Service, and the Small Business Administration—used cybersecurity tools that identify the hardware and software on their networks and check for vulnerabilities and insecure configurations.
CyVision Technologies, Inc. announced that Paul Goldenberg, chairman and president of Cardinal Point Strategies, and John “Jack” Donohue, Cardinal Point’s senior advisor–national security, have been appointed to serve on its board of advisors. In their advisory role these two renown cyber and homeland security experts will offer strategic and tactical guidance in understanding and navigating critical cybersecurity issues facing the public sector organizations, institutions and private sector businesses.
As many employees transfer back to a more traditional business setting from remote work environments, adjustments to cybersecurity protocols are going to be necessary. Organizations will need to evaluate any temporary provisions that were put into place during the COVID-19 pandemic, including any shortcuts that were taken and processes that were circumvented, and whether such protocols should be reversed or enhanced.
Beginning in M86, Chrome will warn users when they try to complete forms on secure (HTTPS) pages that are submitted insecurely. These “mixed forms” (forms on HTTPS sites that do not submit on HTTPS) are a risk to users’ security and privacy. Information submitted on these forms can be visible to eavesdroppers, allowing malicious parties to read or change sensitive form data, says Google.
Digital transformation with Internet of Things (IoT) devices provides many organizations a way forward, but optimizing the strategy needs to start with security.
Across industries, organizations seek to embrace Internet of Things (IoT) devices to reduce manual tasks and promote social distancing. However, IoT devices often lack basic security controls which lead to new cybersecurity risks across the IT stack. A comprehensive solution for managing IoT as part of organizations’ growth plans must also incorporate establishing best practices for moving forward securely.