Leaders are facing challenges in hiring, rehiring and retaining security personnel with compounding issues of past furloughs, the COVID-19 pandemic, wages and employee evaluation of risk versus reward. How are enterprise security teams compensating to improve current workforce conditions?
As the COVID-19 pandemic began around the world in early 2020, budgets decreased as businesses shuttered their doors. According to Global Guardian Co-Founder and CEO Dale Buckner, security budgets have the potential to double or triple in 2022.
We must quell prevalent myths about security guards. Security guards do not resemble the stereotype of lazy, untrained, perhaps overweight and inhospitable male bodybuilders.
The continued pandemic, labor shortages, a shift in the hybrid and remote workforce, and other factors have led to an increased threat landscape, hiring challenges and changing roles of security officers.
The continued pandemic, labor shortages, a shift in the hybrid and remote workforce, and other factors have led to an increased threat landscape, hiring challenges and changing roles for security officers. Security leaders across many sectors share industry knowledge on how to adapt to these shifts, including interdepartmental communication, continued training efforts and more.
Security and business optimization in logistics calls for a multi-tiered approach – a solution that addresses security while streamlining operations, reducing costs and increasing revenue. So, what is the role of video security systems in logistics and how can these devices support a versatile, flexible approach while generating more revenue?
Blending security services, personal relationships and community trust with excellent customer service is a must for professional security officers. But how exactly can security officers create better relationships and gain trust of those they serve?
My experience in the public safety sector has taught me that the only thing you can expect every day on the job is the unexpected. From civil unrest to natural disasters, unexpected events occur daily with little or no warning. When unforeseen or unpredictable emergencies occur, security departments are often called upon to help mitigate the situation. This can cause a sudden and massive surge in demand for additional manpower. So how can a security operation rapidly fulfill excessive labor requirements while synchronously managing the crisis at hand?