In today’s threat environment, alerts aren’t enough. Security teams need to shift from an alert mindset to a security posture that relies on contextualized threat intelligence.
As the cybersecurity industry grapples with the ongoing talent shortage, security operations centers (SOCs) are already overwhelmed, and a constant stream of alerts doesn’t necessarily make their jobs any easier.
The 2022 Cloud Security Alert Fatigue Report from Orca Security found that 55% of cybersecurity teams have missed critical security alerts due to alert overload and ineffective security prioritization.
Healthcare workers at the Behavioral Wellness Center in Philadelphia are protected with a duress system from ROAR for Good. Read more in this security case study.
The Texas Department of Public Safety has provided three resources to school communities to prevent potential violence, including tip reporting software called iWatchTexas, an alert system and school safety education.
The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agencyheld a tabletop exercise with the Chevron Salt Lake Refinery and other state and local partners to test plans for responding to a potential emergency at the refinery.