Transparency is the new sustainability. As building owners and facility managers advocate for sustainable products and practices, security technology manufacturers are taking the total environmental impact of their products into account.
While the police and fire department response times are good in Sandy Springs, Georgia, in medical emergencies, security officers are often the first on the scene. The G4S officers are trained in first aid and automated external defibrillator (AED) devices.
The most environmentally sustainable building in the world is the Change Initiative Building in Dubai, based on the LEED Commercial Interiors rating system.
May 1, 2014
At the recent ISC West Conference and Exposition in Las Vegas, sustainable security solutions were both everywhere and nowhere. As a judge for the Security Industry Association’s New Product Showcase at ISC West this year, I had the opportunity to participate on one of seven judging committees.
It’s Easy Being Green,” “Got Green?,” “Green Saves the Planet”— Ecologically-friendly products have come a long way since the early 2000s, when every other newspaper headline touted the novelty of the movement by quoting Kermit the Frog.
When endeavoring to make security a little bit greener, every device counts. A ‘mini-USB’ switch-mode power supply works to optimize power consumption and power supply, reducing operational.