With real-time location technology, classification professionals and care providers can monitor inmates who attend reintegration classes, consistently exhibit good behavior, are where they’re supposed to be and actively work on their own self-betterment.
The Dominican Republic has, since 2003, developed a “New Prison Management Model” which aims to apply the international principles of human rights and the United Nations Mandela Rules – the focus of which is human rights and rehabilitation rather than repression. As part of this initiative, Las Parras Correction and Rehabilitation Centre, commonly known as “La Nueva Victoria” in Guerra, in the Dominican Republic was looking for a technology that would take a humane approach to searches.
The U.S. Marshals Service, charged with moving prisoners around the nation, released a request for quotes to build a facial recognition tool into its agents’ smart devices to help identify prisoners during transfer.
Delaware's state correctional leaders opened the Department of Correction Intelligence Operations Center (IOC). The statewide facility will be operated by the Special Operations Group within the Bureau of Prisons. The IOC positions will allow the DOC to identify security threats from across facilities, assess them, and proactively act to mitigate those risks.
For most people, prison ranks high on the list of places to avoid. Yet, take no pride: U.S. prisons are filled to capacity with individuals who have committed some type of crime that warrants incarceration.
Gov. John Carney (DE) signed legislation at Vaughn Correctional Center that increases the penalties for individuals trying to use a drone to drop contraband into any of the state’s prisons.
Highlighting the challenges brought on by and the need to address violent extremism and radicalization in prisons, the United Nations has unveiled a new manual that offers practical advice on managing violent extremist prisoners, disengaging them from violence and facilitating their social reintegration upon release.
Following the announcement that Federal prisoners would no longer be held in privately run facilities, the Department of Homeland Security is reviewing the use of private companies in managing immigration and customs enforcement detention centers.