The recent pandemic accelerated a trend towards remote work that has been ongoing for years and, as a result, accelerated usage of cloud-based collaboration platforms and their impact on the field of digital forensics. This article will discuss the trends and challenges associated with these platforms as they pertain to cloud-based data collection and its use in forensic investigations.
While forensic tools are potent weapons in the cyber world, on their own, they’re not enough to overcome the challenge of data sets growing in complexity and volume. Enter artificial intelligence.
On May 26, the District Court found in the In Re: Capital One Consumer Data Security Breach Litigation that a report prepared by Mandiant concerning the Capital One data breach (Breach Report) was not protected by the work product privilege and must be turned over to Plaintiffs. What are some lessons to be learned from this data breach litigation response?
A judge in the U.S. District Court of the Eastern District of Virginia has ruled that Capital One must allow plaintiffs to review a cybersecurity firm’s forensic report related to the bank’s 2019 data breach. Capital One sought to keep the report private on the grounds that it is a protected legal document.
In the world of video cameras, it’s well understood that higher megapixel (MP) image sensors in a camera can capture more picture detail. However, there’s much more to image quality than pure megapixels since the quality and size of the sensor along with the lens plays a crucial part in determining the quality of each pixel.