If you are experiencing trouble getting your bank to work for you, it turns out that was not the case with Iran, the Sudan and Mexican drug cartels, who all used some world banks to launder their money.
While some security experts spotlight transportation, electricity, and communications infrastructure for more protection, recent attacks on water treatment plants worry them, too.
Events Aimed at Business, Security Executives and the Public
October 18, 2011
Working more closely together, cybersecurity partners from law enforcement and the private sector are increasing their efforts to combat cyber crime, as part of National Cyber Security Awareness Month.
It is a matter of expenses when it comes to having a paramilitary force capable of defending against an armed assault using rocket propelled grenades and other heavy weaponry.
As we approach the tenth anniversary of 9/11, the pervasiveness of terrorism globally, including the United States, continues to threaten government, industry, and society worldwide. Often overlooked is the non-ideological fuel feeding this threat; namely, terror financing. Unlike terror incidents, the characteristics of terror financing are often silent or subdued. Purposefully, terror financiers do not try to attract attention to their activities.