The Security Blog is written by our team of editors and includes thought provoking opinions, trends, and essential security information for security executives.
The Secretary of Homeland Security, in a recent visit to Chicago, took the tour, joined by Security magazine’s Bill Zalud. Now you can from your computer. Chicago’s Office of Emergency
A woman just suspended from her job and escorted from a Kraft Foods plant in Philadelphia, Pa., returned with a handgun and opened fire September 9, killing two people and
According to Greenpeace, the giant holding tanks and railroad cars full of hazardous materials at industrial plants near Houston, Texas, are ripe for disaster — be it by terrorist attack
Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Janet Napolitano today announced deployments of American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA)-funded advanced imaging technology (AIT) to eight additional airports nationwide—strengthening security at U.S.
Remarks by the Secretayr of Homeland Security in New York -- Good morning. And thank you, Commissioner Bruno, for that introduction. It’s always great to be back in New York
“Microsoft Global Security: Converting the Dream Into an Integrated Global Program” Mike Howard and David Gibbs have been selected to speak at the ASIS International Seminar & Exhibits in Dallas
The first week of this month highlights the ongoing airport security incidents that can often close terminals and lead to arrests. The discovery of a suspicious package at Miami International
As part of DHS’s mission to protect the nation’s critical energy sector pipeline systems that are prime targets of terrorists such as Al Qaeda and its associated movements, the Transportation
Cyber crooks stole nearly $1 million from a satellite campus of The University of Virginia (UVA) last week. The attackers stole the money from The University of Virginia’s College at
Striking a balance between an open yet secure network remains a challenge for university IT departments. While universities are often on the cutting edge of innovation, they face complications when