The International Hologram Manufacturers Association (IHMA) has elected a new Board following its recent AGM - and the end of a successful year marking the 60th anniversary of the invention of the hologram.

The IHMA is made up of 90 of the world's leading hologram companies, including leading producers and converters of holograms for banknote security, anti-counterfeiting, brand protection, packaging, graphics and other commercial applications around the world.

Member companies actively cooperate to maintain the highest professional, security and quality standards.

Optaglio’s Philip Hudson becomes the new Chairman. Fellow Board members are Khalid Khanani of Metatex (Pakistan) and Rob Levy of Holo-Source (USA). Simone Foine of Centro Grafico (Italy) becomes the new regional representative for the EU/EFTA, while Manoj Kochar of Holoflex (India) is the new deputy regional representative for Asia.

The Board is now comprised as follow:

           Philip Hudson – Optaglio (UK/CzechRepublic) – Chairman

           Khalid Khanani - Metatex (Pakistan) - Board member

           Rob Levy - Holo-Source (USA) – Board member

           G S Dillon - Alpha Lasertek (India) – Asian representative

           Manoj Kochar - Holoflex (India) – deputy Asian representative

           Laurence Holden - JDSU (USA) - North American representative

           Pedro de Eguiluz Selvas - Fast Forms (Mexico) - deputy North American representative

           Simone Foine - Centro Grafico (Italy) - EU/EFTA representative 

           Goran Milinovic - System Intelligence Products (Serbia) - East Europe/CIS representative

           Dmitry Paltsev - First Print Yard Holographics (Russia) - deputy East Europe/CIS representative

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