With an increasingly dispersed workforce, security awareness has become both more critical and more challenging. The 2022 SANS Security Awareness Report discovered the top three signs of a successful security awareness program.
The WatchGuard Technologies Threat Lab Q1 2022 Internet Security Report detected more than double the volume of ransomware in the first quarter of 2022 compared to full year 2021.
Despite widespread support for the EU-backed Digital ID Wallet, security and data privacy concerns will need to be addressed, according to a new Thales survey.
The shift to hybrid and remote work rapidly increased enterprise attack surfaces. According to a survey from Oomnitza, 60% of cybersecurity leaders have low levels of confidence in their attack surface risk management.
UNESCO world heritage site Lumbini Park is visited by millions of international tourists each year. The security team monitors access via video surveillance and vehicle tagging systems.
CISA published the second version of Cloud Security Technical Reference Architecture (TRA), which seeks to guide agencies’ secure migration to the cloud by defining and clarifying considerations for shared services, cloud migration and cloud security posture management.
A leading expert in cybersecurity, cyber resilience and intelligence, Ahern will lead cross-agency efforts to protect New York State from cyber threats.