Let's explore common privilege escalation attack techniques and tactics used by attackers and how organizations can implement six security strategies to protect against these cyberattacks.
Organizations may consider adopting an adaptive risk-based trust approach to securing their privileged access. This approach uses least-privilege, zero-trust as a baseline for how organizations build trust scores which will then be used to determine the level of security which is required to gain access to the cloud, and specific applications and systems.
From a security perspective, we also tend to look at IoT in the wrong way. With every new device, we assume the technology will be vulnerable with a very high risk of compromise. The reality is that most IoT devices have a very low risk individually, but their functionality is what leaves them susceptible.
Many of those with demanding jobs know that even when on vacation they must remain connected to the world in more ways than one to answer emails and handle important business matters. With the increased use, online services by these traveling professionals, especially in unknown territory, those traveling can quickly become a target of cyber criminals and hackers.
It might be a more exciting story to claim a nation-state pilfered your data, but the more likely scenario is that your enterprise failed at some of the most basic tenets of cybersecurity hygiene, leaving the door open to script kiddies and opportunitistic hackers to run rampant in your system. Join us as we debunk 5 major data breach myths.
Every day we are updated about the latest cybersecurity breaches – whether it's Yahoo, Dropbox or LinkedIn, how many records have been stolen, or how much companies have paid in result from ransomware or financial fraud.