DDoS traffic capitalizes on work-from-home connectivity reliance to disrupt service provider targets
July 2, 2020
In the first quarter of the year, DDoS attacks rose more than 278 percent compared to Q1 2019 and more than 542 percent compared to the last quarter, according to Nexusguard’s Q1 2020 Threat Report.
Identity and access management (IAM) protects the business while keeping employees securely connected, but were organizations prepared for their employees to work from anywhere? LastPass ran a study with IT decision makers, in partnership with IDG, to discover the impacts of remote work to IAM and found that IAM is critical to securing a remote workforce, but almost all organizations have had to adjust their IAM strategy to securely enable employees to work from anywhere.
U.S. Senators introduced the Lawful Access to Encrypted Data Act, a bill to bolster national security interests and better protect communities across the country by ending the use of “warrant-proof” encrypted technology by terrorists and other bad actors to conceal illicit behavior.
The Security Industry Association (SIA), through its Ethics in Security Technology Working Group, has developed the SIA Membership Code of Ethics, a set of nine ethics principles designed to promote the highest standards of conduct among its members.
The path to securing the remote workforce should be seamless and experienced as a hassle-free balance between safety and a quality user-experience. It is pivotal to implement appropriate security practices, as inadequate measures can lead to unmanaged risks and the endangerment of corporate systems, data and employees.