The internet of things has transformed the healthcare sector, allowing security practitioners to easily share information and deliver personalized treatments.
The rapid pace of technological developments and disruptive innovations, along with organizational resistance to change, are the top concerns for boards of directors and business leaders around the world heading into 2018.
In a survey by PwC of more than 10,000 people across the UK, Germany, China, India and the US, 69% of workers agreed or strongly agreed that they possess digital skills.
University of California - San Diego computer scientists have built and successfully tested a tool designed to detect when websites are hacked by monitoring the activity of email accounts associated with them.
According to new research by Venafi, even though SSH keys provide the highest levels of administrative access, they are routinely untracked, unmanaged and poorly secured.
Global consulting firm Protiviti and the Shared Assessments Program’s annual Vendor Risk Management Benchmark Study finds that a majority (53 percent) of organizations surveyed are likely to exit or change (de-risk) relationships with some vendors due to heightened risk levels. The reason cited most often was fourth-party risk issues and an inability to resolve them.