In late February 2017, Oklahoma City Police Officers responded to a call of alleged illegal activity, where, soon after their arrival a foot chase pursuit began of a suspect who fled the scene.
The same secure chip technology that’s been rolled out in the banking world for ATM and credit card transactions is sweeping across sectors throughout the American economy.
After an incident is not the time to review your bomb threat preparedness plan. Work with local law enforcement and first responders, as well as internal stakeholders and partners, to develop a more comprehensive, confidential bomb threat response plan.
It’s difficult to pin down the number of organizations that utilize scenario-based training for security officers, but experts agree that this type of training appears to be increasing in use.
Due to the natural aging process, automatic facial recognition systems are less likely to recognize your face after a period of six years, according to a study at Michigan State University.
Whether you’re attending ISC West on your own or with your integrator, or just watching the new security technology arrive from afar, there are many new solutions on the horizon for video surveillance, access management, mobile credentials and much more.
With so many security solutions on the market today, it can be tempting to chase the brightest new technologies to improve security operations in your enterprise.
An inexplicable rise in organized retail crime during the past couple of years, perhaps due to police passivity, has major retailers looking to upgrade their equipment, technology, policies and procedures, and training for employees to combat loss prevention.