Threat actors are like the weather: regardless of your desires, they will continue, and that is completely outside of anyone’s control. In response to this, we have to be as proactive as we possibly can. Here are the cybersecurity trends we will see heading into 2022.
As we enter the new year, and with our world only becoming more connected, we’ve gathered the top 4 emerging fraud threats that we will see companies facing in 2022 and beyond.
The North East Independent School
District in San Antonio, Texas (NEISD)'s Institute of CyberSecurity and Innovation (iCSI) has created new opportunities for students interested in entering the cyber field.
A new security partnership between King’s College and the Defense Academy of the U.K. will deliver academic support to command and staff provision at the Defense Academy and the Royal College of Defense Studies from September 2022.
Law enforcement agencies are somewhat overcoming the pandemic through enhanced vigor, particularly as measured by interactions with the public, heightened officers’ onboarding, and expanded staff training.
In a world full of increased cyber threats, security teams are often occupied by cybersecurity initiatives, overlooking physical security strategies. Implementing these eight physical security tips can help secure your organization from physical threats.
Security leaders protecting workers and assets in factory environments can implement technology to better secure their access control, authentication and surveillance strategies.