The Eliminating Abusive and Rampant Neglect of Interactive Technologies Act of 2020 (EARN IT), aimed at protecting children from online predators, is facing scrutiny from those who believe it will undermine privacy, promote censorship and jeopardize the right to free speech.
Contact tracing for COVID-19 is critical to returning our nation to some semblance of normalcy, but we are far from a consensus on what effective, secure, cost-feasible and scalable contact tracing looks like. There are several documented, meaningful automated contact tracing efforts across the globe - not to mention more than 150 apps and initiatives in various stages of development. Getting contact tracing off the ground in the US is fraught with obstacles that are formidable, but not insurmountable. Among the thorniest is data privacy: if we can’t convince citizens that it’s safe and non-invasive to share information about who they’ve been in touch with, contact tracing will fail.
The Hideaway Helper classroom door window shade is a simple solution to school safety needs. Installation is incredibly easy with no hardware or drilling required.
The SilverShield™ Safety & Information Systems software incorporates a fully-integrated suite of modules including visitor management, lockdown initiation, incident management, event management, virtual academy, Kiosk and the HR & Safety Resource Center.
The BEST® SHELTER™ wireless responsive lockdown solution from STANLEY Security Solutions helps to create safe spaces within a facility quickly and safely.
Evacuations and lockdowns are two events no organization wants to face, but every organization should be prepared for. Here are some solutions to help your organization be prepared for lockdowns or evacuations.
Over the past few months, millions of workers have turned their homes into their new, remote office, including state government employees, which brought a host of risks through use of unsecured Wi-Fi and poor access controls. This shift toward home as well as the underlying panic brought on by COVID-19 altered hackers’ focus and targets aimed at the remote worker. Chief Information Security Officers (CISO) preparing their companies for this change require time, training for employees and the right technology, as well as increased cooperation between the security teams and IT/network operations groups.