You can have the greatest cameras and video recorders, but without software to manage and analyze the video, you might miss out on the greatest benefits of having a video solution.
Depending on your needs, some video management solutions can use motion detection to prompt events, read license plates on vehicles in a parking lot, detect added or removed objects from a room, and more.
The risk of payment card fraud is real, driven by the momentum of eCommerce and its cashless consumerism, reliant on payment cards to perform so many transactions. However, the incidence of payment card fraud is expected to change.
Airport authorities might consider augmenting existing practices with a program to help prevent, detect and mitigate insider threats. Such a program recognizes the airport for what it is – a complex ecosystem of airlines, vendors, contractors and airport employees – and provides a way for this community to come together to protect the aviation transportation system. In a sense, the airport community becomes an insider threat working group.
The FAA projects a 30x growth of commercial drone use to 600,000 over the next year, which could pose a significant threat to physical security and critical infrastructure.
Ask a CEO how he or she rose to the top, and they’ll typically cite a litany of past upper level executive management roles, with a clear strategy to get there.