Healthcare security is changing. As more and more hospitals form or join health systems or implement the Affordable Care Act, the standardization of security officer services has many advantages. The need for greater value from service providers, more efficient programs, consistent protocols for staff and patients and an increasing focus on both safety and security are positioning standardization of security services as a critical solution for health systems.
A security officer hired by the San Diego Chargers cannot be held liable for restraining an unruly fan at Qualcomm Stadium who was making obscene gestures during a football game.
In conjunction with the 2014 ASIS International Seminar, the National Association of Security Companies (NASCO) will be holding its 24th Annual Private Security Breakfast on Tuesday, September 30th at the Omni Hotel @ CNN Center in Atlanta, Georgia.
For Johns Hopkins in Baltimore, it’s a neighborhood initiative program that looks beyond traditional campus security and that integrates university special police officers with AlliedBarton security officers. The result: recognition in the Higher Education sector in the 2013 Security 500 report.