Heightened security threats, civil unrest and geopolitical instability are expected to be top disruptors to the mobile workforce in 2020, says a new study by International SOS.
The implementation of a secured perimeter and internal firewall network architecture and conducting Vulnerability Assessments and Penetration Tests (VAPT) are often seen as enough to protect critical business information and guard against unexpected cybersecurity threats. However, as we will discover and despite this approach being a good start, there is substantially more to information security than firewalls and VAPT.
There are few industries where the cybersecurity stakes are higher than in the healthcare space, with medical organizations running the risk of life-threatening disruptions at the hands of malicious actors.
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is creating a new frontier in information security. Systems that independently learn, reason and act will increasingly replicate human behavior.
In 2010, Mark Zuckerberg famously stated that privacy was no longer a “social norm.” Today, the Facebook founder is no doubt viewing social norms around privacy a bit differently, as are U.S. regulators and consumers.
Increasing a business’ digital competence is a need that’ll never go away; continual transformation is required to be competitive in the market. So much hinges on getting digital right that entire new disciplines and executive roles are springing up, including the Chief Digital Officer and Chief Transformation Officer. Change makes many people uncomfortable, but it’s a necessity.