It's time for leaders to stand up and start to make positive changes as it pertains to school security and safety. Consider 11 best practices to build a comprehensive foundation for school security and safety.
From geography to geometry, what is it about schools that all of a sudden has threat actors circling like sharks, and how can educators and administrators guard against becoming the next cyberattack victim?
Technology alone will not solve school attacks — it should be used as a tool to enhance school security programs, along with security by design changes, which can be highly effective and more affordable than state-of-the-art security solutions.
Video content analytics amplifies the value of video surveillance for retail security, while providing tools to leverage video as data for business intelligence, decision-making and understanding incidents.
Access control is more than just a system. It is rather a multi-layered strategy involving a combination of smart security entrances, data analytics, predictive metrics, and, yes, even systems.
The White House has launched a federal task force to combat the effects of online harassment and abuse, which disproportionately targets people of color, women and LGBTQ individuals.
Hiring entry- and junior-level employees in cybersecurity roles can help security leaders overcome the cyber skills gap, according to new research from (ISC)2.
School districts need to increase their awareness and preparedness to combat cyberattacks. Governments and businesses need to join forces to support districts via training, testing and tools to ensure threat detection, appropriate response and minimal damage.