Retailers have a systemic problem. They know that a percentage of the people walking into their stores are there solely to steal. But with full knowledge, they still welcome all as if they will be paying for their purchases. They also know that unbridled access to goods leads to higher sales, but allowing that also creates a gateway for higher theft.
Enterprise card solutions can enable myriad business applications. One example: Identity cards allow Italians to share and use publicly available bicycles.In enterprise-wide identification card access systems, which came first –
Like the requirement to review technological needs against current and future applications, so must companies review and assess current training methodologies and objectives in addressing Workplace Violence Prevention and Security Awareness.
Michael Lynch, chief security officer for DTE Energy, has learned to catch the bad guys and reduce energy theft. “You hear the clichés about working harder and smarter, but we focus on the stuff that makes a difference – we don’t follow the hot thing of the month, we try to keep it simple and hold people accountable,” says Dave Abramson, manager of loss prevention for Hallmark Cards, Inc.
It is rare and wonderful when a new infrastructure platform unites with applications to create a truly dynamic technology solution that provides significant leverage to both the cost/benefit equation of
Card access control, especially newer multi-functional approaches, can do more than secure a door or provide entry to a parking garage. Today, a card, sometimes branded to the issuing organization,
Country Joe McDonald sung his question about war in the 1960s: “It’s 1-2-3, what are we fighting for?” Well, besides freedom and survival and dispatching evil, often one outcome of
These days, if you don’t want to be found, or even if you do, there’s a great likelihood that someone will find you. For Jeff Schoepf, CPP, security director for
Remember the term “going postal”? It originated in August 1986, when post office employee Patrick Henry Sherrill in Edmund, Okla. shot two of his supervisors and then killed 14 other co-workers and injured several others. He then turned the gun on himself and committed suicide.
How do you measure leadership success? Certainly, you can look down the chain and see whether your function and your team are accomplishing their objectives. You can usually tell if your staff is motivated and if they’re eager to follow you. But strong leadership isn’t just about how you relate to the people below you on the reporting ladder. It’s also about how you relate to those above.