The Q2 2022 Emerging Risks Report from Gartner surveyed 306 business and risk management executives to determine the latest risk trends affecting enterprises today, such as supply chain security, inflation and loss prevention.
In the latest The Security Podcasts episode, Tom Thimot, CEO of, offers a unique perspective on the concerns raised around’s technology, where they went wrong with the IRS, and the drawbacks of facial recognition technology.
The Q2 2022 Brand Phishing Report from Check Point Research (CPR) found that LinkedIn is the most-impersonated brand when it comes to phishing campaigns.
While businesses have taken risk management into the digital age, morphing governance, risk and compliance into digital risk management (DRM), many organizations missed one vital component of DRM —
namely, compliance as a code.
Despite good intentions, over 60% of companies have a long way to go to protect privileged identities and access, according to a Delinea report of IT security decision makers.