Group-IB, a threat hunting and adversary-centric cyber intelligence company, discovered that user data of the Swarmshop card shop have been leaked online on March 17, 2021. The database was posted on a different underground forum and contained 12,344 records of the card shop admins, sellers and buyers including their nicknames, hashed passwords, contact details, history of activity, and current balance.
In the United States, February is often considered the last peak month of flu season. We are all accustomed to the unpleasant coughing fits and runny noses that accompany winter’s chill. However, in a turn of events, the common flu has been relatively uncommon across the country this winter. Instead, we continue to deal with the fallout from the far more contagious—and far less forgiving—SARS-CoV-2 virus.
Apple announced it will start enforcing a new privacy notification rule that digital advertising firms such as Facebook have warned will hurt their profits.
Meet Jeremy Leasher, Security Solutions Architect at Axellio. Leasher believes the IT security industry is undergoing a serious skills crisis, threatening to undermine the security of commercial and government organizations. Here, we talk to Leasher about the best approach to solving this skills crisis.
A new CISCO Talos Intelligence report explores how cybercriminals are increasingly abusing the communications platforms that many organizations use to facilitate employee communications. According to the report, communication platforms have allowed attackers to circumvent perimeter security controls and maximize infection capabilities. Over the past year, adversaries are increasingly relying on these platforms as part of the infection process.
Cybersecurity is not a one-and-done proposition. Deterring cybersecurity threats and remediating incidents is a complex and never-ending responsibility. Malicious state actors, cybercriminals and corporate espionage are just a few sources of cyberattacks. Each one uses dozens of ever-evolving techniques to overcome security safeguards.
Researchers at Rapid7 evaluated five areas of cybersecurity that are both critical to secure to continue doing business on and across the internet, and are squarely in the power of CISOs, their IT security staffs, and their internal business partners to address, in their new round of Internet Cyber-Exposure Reports (ICERs). These five facets of internet-facing cyber-exposure and risk include:
SAP systems running outdated or misconfigured software are exposed to increased risks of malicious attacks, the U.S. Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) has warned. SAP applications help organizations manage critical business processes—such as enterprise resource planning, product lifecycle management, customer relationship management, and supply chain management.
A 2019 S&P Global study found that public companies with women at the helm were more profitable compared to those with men in the CEO and CFO seats. Women are also making big inroads in other fields including science and medicine. Yet in the tech and cybersecurity industries women still lag behind. It’s certainly not because of a lack of jobs. Though the talent shortage did ease last year, the industry as a whole is struggling to fill vacancies. There are a few reasons that women aren’t filling those seats.