Data security used to be relatively simple. Office buildings and areas within them presented clear “perimeters” that companies could protect with locks, alarms, and if necessary, searches of belongings.
As the list of major U.S. retailers hit by credit card hackers continues to grow this year, Americans are more likely to worry about having credit card information they used in stores stolen by computer hackers than any other crime.
Cyber breaches knows no boundaries and doesn’t discriminate based on business size. For example, a study by the National Cyber Security Alliance shows that even though 66 percent of the small businesses surveyed relied on the Internet on a daily basis and 69 percent handled sensitive data, only 23 percent had a written policy and procedure Internet security guide for their employees. Only 37 percent provided Internet safety training to their employees, and only 50 percent had a cybersecurity plan to keep their business secure.
In August, Community Health Systems announced that an external group of hackers attacked its computer network that an external group of hackers attacked its computer network and stole non-medical data of 4.5 million patients – the second-largest HIPAA breach ever reported.
Those of the Millennial Generation (born between 1980 and early 2000s) have upped their game to keep private information safe, but while they show a keen interest in cybersecurity careers, they don’t know exactly what that entails.
In July 2014 alone, 940,000 people in the Professional and Business Services industry left their jobs, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. The question is: How much power and access do those people still have over company data?
Many organizations protect their cyber infrastructure by looking inward, focusing on their own networks and systems. They dedicate themselves to reducing the attack surface, assessing their vulnerabilities, and conducting system patching – all to continuously monitor their own networks.
If you’re not convinced of the impact data breaches have on business success yet, be aware that 51 percent of consumers will take their business elsewhere after their retailer, bank or service provider suffers a breach that compromises personal information, including addresses, Social Security numbers and credit card details, according to a HyTrust Inc. poll. For retailers focusing on the powerful 35-44 age range demographic, that number jumps to 60.2 percent.