A recent study found that healthcare organizations are most susceptible to phishing attempts, with employees clicking one in seven simulated emails sent.
The Asia-Pacific region led in the number of data compromises investigated in 2017, accounting for 35% of instances and overtaking North America at 30%, down from 43%.
An online audit of websites has found that consumer-facing U.S. government websites rank highest in security and privacy while healthcare comes in last.
The pace of change within communications networks is happening at speeds not seen since the shift from circuit-switched networks to IP began a couple of decades ago.
Mastercard, in collaboration with Microsoft, Workday and the nonprofit, nonpartisan Partnership for Public Service, launched the Cybersecurity Talent Initiative – a public-private partnership to recruit the nation’s best minds to defend against global cyberattacks.
According to the Assessment of Business Cyber Risk (ABC) report by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and FICO, the level of cyber risk to the U.S. business community is holding steady for the first quarter of 2019, with a national risk score of 687.