Home Depot said that 56 million debit and credit cards are estimated to have been breached in a data theft between April and September at its stores in the U.S. and Canada.
As critical infrastructure in the United States becomes more dependent on networked systems, such as the smart grid, the electricity industry is at risk for new avenues of attack.
Establishing command and control gives the power to professionals so they can properly assess the risks and determine which threats pose the greatest danger and must be considered a high security priority. Authority also requires that they identify potential threats that may be considered “acceptable risks” to the organization – meaning they are worth keeping an eye on, but don’t warrant a significant security investment.
Only 55 percent of global consumers feel stores use security systems that adequately protect financial data against hackers and data breaches
September 1, 2014
Nearly three in 10 global consumers do not trust retailers to protect stored personal or financial data against cyber risks, and 58 percent think financial institutions do a better job of protecting data than retailers, government agencies or law enforcement.
McAfee and CSIS conclude that cybercrime costs businesses approximately $400 billion worldwide, with an impact on approximately 200,000 jobs in the United States and 150,000 jobs in the EU.
September 1, 2014
The report commends partnerships between countries for combating cybercrime, praising public-private partnerships in particular for beginning to show tangible results in terms of fighting cybercrime, such as the partnership of 11 nations to take down a crime ring associated with the GameOver Zeus botnet in June.
Cyber attacks have become one of the most worrisome risks considered chief financial officers
September 1, 2014
The rate of CFOs citing cyber attacks as a key concern has risen sharply over the survey’s four-year history, directly correlating to both the frequency and cost of cyber attacks.
The U.S. power grid is in the process of an enormous transformation into a smart grid
September 1, 2014
According to Security Implications of the Smart Grid, a report from Marie Wright, PhD, of Western Connecticut State University, and Robert Billings, Jr., B.A., of Billings Electric, the shift to a smart grid infrastructure means that power companies will be using more IP-based communications and commercial, off-the-shelf technologies.