We read it in the headlines all too often: “Facebook, PayPal Users Urged to Check Logins After Hacking,” “Sony Hacked Again; 25 Million Entertainment Users’ Data at Risk,” “Zappos Says Hacker May Have Accessed Info on 24 Million Customers,” and most recently, “MasterCard, Visa Warn of Credit Card Data Theft.”
New guidelines, expected today from an E.U. panel on privacy, will give strong recommendations to European governments on whether to and how to adopt cloud computing.
With the advent of social media, personal and professional identities are beginning to blend together. I am linked, I tweet and am face booked. I have my own space; I can Skype and even FaceTime. By accessing all these sites, my professional and personal lives seem to be getting in the way of each other. In fact, my personal and professional identities are melding.