While LiDAR won't be replacing camera systems any time soon, the technology can help turn idle cameras into smart security devices to increase security response and reduce false alarms.
During emergency evacuations, security teams need voice and audio technology at their fingertips to enhance situational awareness, communicate clear instructions, institute a safe exit.
School administrators, staff, and local emergency responders must complete a thorough risk assessment and all-hazards assessment of schools and their campuses.
With the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) draft rule on climate change and emissions disclosure, security leaders can look to access control tech to help measure climate risk.
There are many cybersecurity resources for manufacturers looking to better protect their facilities from cyber threats like hacking, ransomware and insider threats.
The award — put on by SecuritySpecifiers, its annual CONSULT event, and co-sponsored by Security magazine — recognizes collaboration, design excellence, uniqueness, creativity and administration factors that contributed to a highly successful security project.
The experimentation with drone warfare in Ukraine has opened our eyes to what is possible with easily accessible platforms. Security professionals must be mindful and prepared for commercial drone security threats.