University of Nebraska Medical Center (UNMC) will be a pilot site designated to develop a federal program that will improve the nation’s ability to respond to future catastrophic events.
The Tuscaloosa County School System in Alabama has partnered with school safety technology company Gaggle, to provide SpeakUp for Safety, a tip line for students, parents and school employees to report incidents that may effect safety and security.
Taking a project management approach to its comprehensive COVID-19 pandemic response, Boeing’s Security & Fire Protection and Health Services business units placed collaboration, communication and actionable data at the forefront to make unified, informed decisions across the enterprise.
Boeing took a project management approach to its comprehensive, unified COVID-19 pandemic response co-led by the organization’s Security & Fire Protection and Health Services business units. Putting communication and actionable data at the forefront, the organization made informed decisions to minimize operational disruption and ensure the safety of its employees including site suspensions, COVID-19 specific protocols, PPE distribution and more.
Thursday, May 6 is World Password Day, a day dedicated to promoting safer password practices. Strong password management has been especially important as cyberattacks have skyrocketed since the onset of the pandemic and the switch to remote work. Here, security executives share their insight and tips on how to create and promote safer password practices in the enterprise and among employees.
As we continue to embrace hybrid work, chief information security officers (CISOs) and compliance teams are wading through and in some cases even overlooking many different areas related to collaboration security. We’ve highlighted the top three areas of risk in this post which should keep CISOs awake at night. The remote workplace continues to evolve at lightning speed, and so too should CISOs – or risk sensitive materials ending up in the wrong hands.
While a number of useful countermeasures are being taken across corporate boards, progress remains relatively slow in the face of borderline existential threats. Not so long ago, companies thought of cybersecurity as a technology problem to be overseen by the chief security officer or the chief information officer, or as a compliance issue to be managed with audit functions. Today, thankfully, a more holistic, proactive and analytical approach is generally taken. There is more security training and better hygiene and most boards now count a seasoned CISO as one of their directors.
Ransomware is one of the most prominent cybersecurity threats organizations face today. Any institution or company (small or large) can fall victim to ransomware – including schools, healthcare providers, educational facilities, non-profit entities, and government agencies. Cybercriminals that deploy ransomware attacks do not discriminate. Thankfully, there are ways to protect your organization from ransomware attacks. In this article, you’ll discover everything you need to know about ransomware as a chief information security officer (CISO), from its evolution to preventative methods to prevention.
BlackBerry Limited released its 2021 BlackBerry Threat Report, detailing a sharp rise in cyberthreats facing organizations since the onset of COVID-19. The research shows a cybercrime industry which has not only adapted to new digital habits, but also become increasingly successful in finding and targeting vulnerable organizations.
Here’s an embarrassing admission: I’m a lifelong Jets fan. If you need proof that the organization is considered a laughingstock, a 2019 article in Inc. magazine is titled, “Want to Be a Great Leader? Look to the New York Jets—and Then Do the Opposite.”
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