A new white paper from Business Insurance examines in depth the risks associated with telecommuting and offers practical advice on how risk managers can get the exposures under control and shield their organizations from liability.
As a general rule, forecasting is a bit of guessing. Even economists, whose job it is to make sense of hardcore data and then give solid analysis, often are reduced to intelligent guessing. But security leaders know better. They know what they’ll likely face in 2012, namely terrorism, workplace violence, fraud, cybercrime, regulatory compliance, natural disasters, theft, intellectual property, brand protection, budget concerns and more – the same trends identified in Security magazine’s 2011 Security 500 report.
An emerging methodology with technological roots – flash mobs – enables individuals using social networking sites (e.g., Facebook.com, Twitter.com, or Meetup.com), instant messaging and email to gather at a particular location, date and time and carry out legal or criminal activities (e.g., sabotage, robberies, and beatings).
To avoid any major misunderstanding about expectations, you should be clear at the outset of what you expect a record retriever to do for you. Below are ten critical aspects of a search that we think are essential to review before you place an order with a public record retriever.
While counterfeiting may not be the “world’s oldest profession,” given its ancient roots and its ubiquity across geographic and cultural boundaries (counterfeit coins were as common in Roman times as Canal Street knock-offs are today), it clearly deserves a place as one of the humanity’s most persistent paths in pursuit of illicit profits. But just because counterfeiting is enduring does not mean that it is unchanging; many of the same macroeconomic drivers, fashion trends and new technologies that inform our preferences at the shopping mall also drive the behavior of the astute counterfeiter. So as the newspaper headlines continue tell us that bad economic times may stay with us for a while, it is worth considering how a challenging economic environment can impact the behavior of the counterfeiter and what brand owners can and should do to fight this threat.
B.C. residents who suffer from post-traumatic stress or are victims of ongoing harassment, violence or bullying in the workplace, will be able to claim workers' compensation under proposed new legislation.
Perhaps one of the more overused buzzwords of the last decade is “convergence.” While its origins lie in the foundational achievement of the convergence of networking and routing using a common Internet Protocol (IP), telecommunication companies and cable operators have brought this terminology mainstream to describe the passing of voice, data and digital media, such as video, over some common network infrastructure.
This month, Bill Whitmore, Chairman and CEO of AlliedBarton, will release his book, Potential, Workplace Violence Prevention and Your Organization’s Success. “As business leaders, the safety and security of our employees is critical to our operations,” Whitmore says. “As individuals, the well-being of those to whom we have promised a safe workplace is a great responsibility. And in today’s society, implementing safety initiatives and security programs is only the beginning.
The U.S. House of Representatives Subcommittee on Economic Development, Public Buildings, and Emergency Management recently held a hearing in response to newly introduced federal legislation (H.R. 2903 and H.R. 2904). This legislation would set the stage for congress to reauthorize the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and two of its expiring programs, while establishing a clear framework for the modernization of its public alerts and warning systems.