Despite their reputation as brute force attacks, Distributed Denial-of-Service incursions are increasingly diversifying as hackers learn that smaller, more targeted attacks often deliver the anticipated outcomes while going under the radar.
Deaths from terrorism fell for the fourth consecutive year, after peaking in 2014. The number of deaths has now decreased by 52 percent since 2014, falling from 33,555 to 15,952, says the 2019 Global Terrorism Index.
Heightened security threats, civil unrest and geopolitical instability are expected to be top disruptors to the mobile workforce in 2020, says a new study by International SOS.
There are many unique challenges involved with securing cloud services. First, data and applications in the cloud are distributed across many services and platforms; each with its own unique set of capabilities, logs and users.
The data analysis best practices from years past are not irrelevant; in the Loss Prevention world, we’re simply able to build on them to keep getting better at reducing fraud and shrinkage within operations. How can Artificial Intelligence take the efforts of your best talent and your Business Intelligence plan and help make them better?