If you thought phishing emails were going away anytime soon, think again. According to Symantec’s July Intelligence report, “one in every 1,968 emails” during the 31-day month was a malicious phishing message – the highest rate in the past 12 months.
Iconic entertainers will remain attractive targets for terrorist attacks because they attract substantial crowds and promote social norms and values that conflict with terrorists’ worldviews.
If the Islamic State terrorist organization deliberately targeted Ariana Grande or her May 22, 2017, concert, new challenges will be presented for security professionals who provide close quarters protection to entertainment stars.
The proliferation of Internet of Things (IoT) devices is greatly expanding the ecosystem in which physical security lives, opening up exciting new integration possibilities and business opportunities within the enterprise market.
Bringing hard science to an industry measured by soft skills and judgement leads to less subjectivity and more transparency in management, as well as overall improvement in your enterprise’s guard force.
The federal government is facing a vast backlog of people seeking security clearances, as more than 700,000 applicants are waiting on background checks.
With an investment upwards of five, six and or even seven figures, the selection of security entrances is one of the most highly visible and impactful aspects of a project you can accomplish.
U.S. consumers largely support sharing personal data with police or healthcare providers via smart devices, but enthusiasm varies depending on why and by whom the data is collected and how it is to be used, according to the 2017 Unisys Security Index.