Applying security technology to business continuity and operational efficiency was a major theme for 2018, and will be especially important in 2019. As technology is an integral part of business operations - and with cybersecurity risks at an all-time high - many organizations are utilizing their security platforms beyond traditional applications to improve operations and increase efficiency.
Jacobs is taking duty of care further by integrating their BeyondZero philosophy into every facet of the business.
December 7, 2018
After a tragic industry accident took the lives of 11 employees, Jacobs Engineering Group decided to completely reinvent their duty of care culture, which now protects 77,000 employees at home and abroad by providing tailored education, preparedness and awareness programs.
Traditional guarding is getting shaken up by new skills, services and technology. How are guarding firms and security officers shifting their priorities and offerings to keep pace and continue to add value to enterprises and security departments? It’s time to go beyond basic patrol, observe and report functions.
Robots are here and it’s not a gimmick. As in many industries, the introduction of machine learning, computer vision and robotics is changing the paradigm of security and facility teams.
The global market for security robotics will grow at a compound annual rate of 20 percent over the next five years to reach a total market value of $2.8 billion by 2023, according to an IDC Market Spotlight report titled, “Extending the Capabilities of Human Security Officers With Modern Robotics,” written by John Santagate, research director, service robots for IDC.
Between Thanksgiving and New Year's Eve, merchants should expect a 14% increase in fraud attempts.
December 1, 2018
According to ACI Worldwide, merchants should expect a 14-percent increase in fraud attempts between Thanksgiving and New Year’s Eve 2018. The value of fraud attempts is expected to increase by 17 percent.
After the mistaken missile alert in Hawaii earlier this year, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security’s inspector general is recommending changes to the nation’s emergency alert system.
Over 85% of client agreements do not allow for the payment of overtime, and any overtime incurred by guards is considered non-billable overtime (NBOT). Given today’s labor shortage and labor laws, the NBOT rate has increased by over 35%. And with a remote workforce, it is a constant challenge to get real-time data on your staff.
A new $4.73 million U.S. Department of Defense grant will enable the University of Southern Mississippi and the National Center for Spectator Sports Safety and Security (NCS4) to identify gaps in security for sports and entertainment events, review and test innovations provided by the DoD, and potentially commercialize them for use at venues around the U.S.