As the world reopens, businesses have a host of logistical and legal issues to resolve in order to bring their employees back safely in the age of COVID-19. What are some practical tips for using thermal cameras to detect COVID-19?
The COVID-19 driven shift to remote working coupled with accelerated digital transformation poses significant challenges to enterprise cybersecurity operations, widening the threat landscape and exposing enterprise networks, devices and data to increasing cybersecurity risk. Unmanaged devices, shadow IT and rapidly deployed remote access networks have all introduced emerging vulnerabilities that are being exploited by cybercriminals, making securing the enterprise even more difficult for CSOs and their teams.
COVID-19 has initiated a whole new host of cybersecurity threats. Twitter was one of the latest victims, its employees allegedly being targeted so that hackers should take over the accounts of certain verified users. And just before that, a June 25 story in The New York Times detailed the way in which a foreign entity is attempting to infiltrate American business by taking advantage of remote employees whose organizations – more than 400 million worldwide – use virtual private networks (VPNs).
There is a lot to consider when deciding on new fire alarm technology. Whether you are installing a new fire alarm system or adding to an existing system, flexibility is a crucial consideration in order to prepare for future building requirements and/or technology changes. Adaptations and technology upgrades to satisfy changing code regulations can often be the most significant expenses associated with life safety systems after installation. It is important to learn how your system can handle these adaptations and how much it will cost to upgrade and maintain your new system. Learning the difference between proprietary and non-proprietary fire alarm systems will help you to avoid unnecessary expenses during upgrades or expansions.
By looking at hospitals – and the resulting mad scramble and actions they took to protect their patients – there are four lessons that can be distilled to help those in the thick of a spike or for those planning for the next surge.
As much of the world continues to hunker down at home in response to COVID-19, threat actors continue to find ways of exploiting the crisis to gather sensitive and valuable information from individuals. But while we’re busy making sure that our primary computers and cloud-based accounts are locked down, it’s often the devices we least suspect – our smartphones – that provide the opening that hackers need. The 2018 hacking of Jeff Bezos’s iPhone X, perhaps the most famous example of smartphone hacking, provides an important reminder that these most personal of devices should be used with appropriate caution, especially in this time of upheaval.
As part of reorganizing and updating safety functions at the University of Utah, Chief Safety Officer Marlon C. Lynch created a new position to direct Campus Security and to oversee public safety compliance and accreditation.
Today's challenging reality presents an opportunity for CISO’s to reevaluate the economics and efficiencies of their current infosec program. To do so, CISO’s must narrow their focus on maximizing their return on investments and shift to a risk-based prioritization strategy. No matter the situation, CISO’s are always expected to meet goals and drive results. Even though security professionals cannot reduce risk to zero, they can reduce risk significantly by first eliminating the most impactful risks facing their organization. Below, I discuss the four critical steps of leading an economical and efficient information security program while following a risk-based approach.
Countless businesses export data from the European Union to the United States. Does your human resources office have information on European employees? The sales department information on European clients? That is personal data. The question is if data exports can continue in the wake of the Court of Justice of the European Union’s (CJEU) ruling in the “Schrems II” case.